Organic Eggs

Our flock of chickens is comprised of close to 1000 Golden Comets. These chickens are incredible layers and foragers. We use two different styles of chicken tractors to move our flocks around our pastures.

The Majority of our chickens rotate around our farm in coops called prairie schooners, a greenhouse style coop. These coops stays at our home farm and help fertilize the pasture for the cows.

A smaller flock of our chickens live in a livestock trailer that has been converted to be a chicken coop. This coop follows our cows on leased land a couple miles from the home farm.

In 2023 our layer operation was certified by MOFGA. All our chickens have access to fresh pasture every day in addition to being fed certified organic grain. Having access to fresh forage, bugs and worms gives our chickens a very diverse diet. The eggs the hens produce are a direct reflection of the hearty diet they enjoy daily.

The Prairie Schooner.

Sara after moving the second year layers.


Grass-Fed Beef